Exclusively For:
Non-Profits and Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Members
Funding Philanthrophy Through Online Shopping
Dear Non-Profit/AFP Member,
As a fundraising professional, imagine if there was a non-time consuming way to meet your annual fundraising objectives without constantly having to ask your donors to write checks.
How valuable would this be to you and your organization?
Well actually, such a fundraising program now exists. It’s called the BSP Rewards Partner Program and as an AFP Business Member we are proud to make this exclusive Program available to you if you are a qualified 503(c)3 non-profit or charitable organization.
What is the BSP Rewards Partner Program?
BSP Rewards is a revolutionary turn-key revenue-generating program for non-profits that 1) is extremely simple and easy to implement, 2) takes little time to administer and maintain, 3) generates recurring funding without requiring donors to write checks, and 4) directly benefits your donor members by helping them save both time and money on the purchases they already make. In short, it is the perfect fundraising vehicle for any non-profit organization that seeks to reward its donors for their loyalty and support.
The online economy represents a tremendous income-producing opportunity for those few who know how to access and monetize it. As a non-profit and/or member of the AFP, we would like to introduce you to an innovative new tool that enables non-profit organizations like yours to do exactly that. It is an all-encompassing loyalty program that gives your donors Cash Back, savings and rewards on the day-to-day purchases they already make while they support your cause.
Adhering to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards, the Program also offers fundraising professionals and non-profits a way to generate significant income through direct Partner and member referrals. BSP Rewards is truly a remarkable and revolutionary fundraising program.
Our Offer to Non-Profits is Simple.
If you are a qualified 503(c)3 non-profit or charitable organization with at least 1,000 supporting members or more, then this Program may be the perfect additional revenue generator for your organization.
BSP Rewards will pay in perpetuity to your non-profit 30% of every Cash Back dollar generated by any active member that your organization refers.
For example, if your non-profit has 5,000 supporting donors and each of your donors generate an average of $250.00 of Cash Back shopping online annually (which is typically quite conservative), BSP Rewards will pay your non-profit 30% of this amount, or $250.00 x 5,000 x 30% = $375,000.00. This rolling payout is calculated and paid directly to your non-profit every 30 days.
Suffice it to say, if you are a large non-profit with thousands of loyal supporting members, the free additional revenue generated by the routine online shopping activities of your supporting donors can be a real game-changer for your non-profit and worthy cause.
Since this revenue results from the personal shopping activity of your supporting members at their favorite retailers, this generates a perpetual source of recurring funding for your non-profit that requires virtually no effort on your part to maintain. Best of all our fundraising Program doesn’t compete with or interfere with any other fundraising activity that your non-profit may engage in throughout the year. This Program can simply be freely offered to your members as an additional way to help support your non-profit. Once deployed this Program becomes self-administering providing a stable source of annual revenue for your non-profit.
The BSP Rewards Partner Program Believes in Non-Profit Organizations.
We do this because BSP Rewards understands the fundraising challenges of non-profits – we work with 1,800+ non-profits worldwide, and we are empathetic about all of your challenges. We are also very pleased to inform you that while for-profit Partners pay an upfront licensing fee and annual maintenance fees to be part of this Program, we waive these fees entirely for qualified non-profit organizations. We truly want to support you and the good work you do. Our no-cost Program is just one way we give back to organizations like yours and the communities you serve.
We also eliminated all start-up fees to incentivize our non-profit Partners to apply the money saved toward marketing their causes. We believe non-profits should be rewarded for their marketing efforts.
Serving Your Community While Increasing Engagement.
BSP Rewards supports community loyalty and engagement. We know from working with so many non-profit organizations that you constantly face challenges to promote your cause; increasing awareness, engagement and advocacy; and retaining the donors you have while accessing new advocates. BSP Rewards is designed with your needs in mind.
BSP Rewards provides you with an opportunity to capitalize on the things your supporting members are already doing every day, and now they can simply do it in a way that can benefit your organization with no added steps or costs to them or you.
Supporting Your Organization.
The e-commerce strategy BSP Rewards has designed for you is sophisticated yet simple. The application process and setup is easy, and once we approve your organization, this funding Program can be available for your community to begin using within 5 to 7 business days. We will provide you with easy-to-use instructions and ongoing guidance to assist you in promoting the Program. We also provide you with your own secure administrative back-end that contains various marketing tools, income monitoring and performance reports. We will also provide a donor registration email campaign for you to engage your constituents to register and start saving, earning and giving back.
Our Goal.
Ultimately our goal is assist you to help fund your philanthropic cause. Together, we will build a community engagement experience that is so strong that your community members will want to share your cause and their experience with family, friends and business associates, providing you with valuable awareness, advocacy opportunities and increased funding.
To learn how BSP Rewards can help fund your organization and benefit your community, we would be happy to arrange a convenient time to talk to answer any questions you may have.
For more information, contact Jean-Claude Cartier at 347-650-2356, or email: cjc@cashbackdonations.org, or schedule a call to talk to us by using the form below: